Village Malaysia and Indian Restaurant @ 西貢 (13-04-08)
西貢有很多意大利餐廳及泰國餐廳,今天看見有Malaysia & Indian的餐廳,覺得挺新奇,不如試一下。
Isis: Okay. Based on your comment, I don't really want to buy the flight ticket and rush to come back this time. Lamb roll looks a bit weird to me. Perhaps too colourful, what I mean is - artifical favors. Have you ever tried any Korean restaurant or Thai restaurant that you like?
回覆刪除Read your blog later on then... Haha.. I keep pushing you posting something new almost every day.
[版主回覆04/25/2008 22:38:00]我網誌分類嘅〈饞嚥誌〉有 96 篇寫食嘅 blog ,你睇晒未呀?
樓下個阿肥,你好似要減肥架wor, 唔好咁為食啦!我都係post套瘦身男女過你睇先!
回覆刪除Isis: Oh, 似乎呢間嘢都去唔過wor, thanks for your 試食!
Isis: I can't believe that you went to so many places.... 96. Oh my god....
回覆刪除96 articles.... I'm coming.....
Nicole: Heehee... yes. I need to be on diet. I like you guys' blog very much. And then you and Isis keep on showing different dining places. Anyway, I only able to see and not able to eat woo..... this is nothing to deal with my weight. But, it helps me want to come back eagerly.
送果個薄餅我好鐘意食架﹗ 你知唔知佢個印度名係咩呢﹖我唔識叫黎食呀~ 我都覺得係最後個餅最好味﹗ 不過印度同馬來西亞菜﹐我都唔係咁鐘意食。 多數都只會食辣加哩~
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/02/2008 22:00:00]薄餅 嘅 印度名…我都 唔知道噃,下次我留意 吓,再話你 知 。