2008年4月27日 星期日


小南國 @ Mega Box (13-04-08)




11 則留言:

  1. What is 稻草肉? It looks like "Tung-Bo" meat to me. 特製蟹粉小籠包 looks very good. It is very nice to stay in HK that you can go everywhere and dine out with a nice place. In LA, you may see the same resturant at the same location in the past couple of years without any changes. And they still have so many customers all the time. But, I do appreciate that we have a big group of Chinese in LA. Therefore, I can find Asian restuarant in the surrounding cities quite a lot. I love spicy food. We have quite a lot of Thai and Korean resturants around. I shouldn't too lazy to take pictures while I'm dining out. I should share with you guys about the life in LA though. Alright.... hopefully you would see this in my new session then. Good night, lady!
    [版主回覆04/28/2008 22:34:00]我都覺得稻草肉似東坡肉。
    好喎!  整 d LA 餐館嚟睇吓,我冇去過 LA ,但去過三藩市,我知道多唐人嘅地方,就多好嘢食,等你嘞。

  2. Christine: Are you near San Gabriel?  There's a mall that the LA Times calls the "Great Mall of China", where there're many Chinese restaurants.

  3. Isis: 對小南國有咩評價呢??值唔值得去呢?
    [版主回覆04/28/2008 22:35:00]好食架,不過佢越來越高檔,包括價錢。

  4. 香酥鴨我都鍾意食, 不過稻草肉色水咁怪既.
    [版主回覆04/28/2008 22:36:00]應該喺加咗南乳。

  5. 早兩個星期我也去過, 因book了位, 唔使等  叫了個8人套餐, 都唔錯, 不過價錢略貴.
    [版主回覆04/28/2008 22:38:00]喺 囉,小南國家陣越來越脫離群眾,無可厚非嘅,做生意緊 喺想賺多 d 。

  6. The Teacher: Wa... wa.. wa.. Are you psychic???  How can you tell that I'm live close to San Gabriel? You are right.       . There are plenty of Asian resturants in the surrounding cities (San Gabriel, Monterey Park, Alhambra, Rosemead....) You guys can check the area I live from yahoo map.
    Isis: Okay. I try to set another session talking about food in LA. At least trying my best and effort to show something about LA. I don't want to waste my time in here and just talking about all my sentimental feeling only! Great job, Isis. You give me something contributing to you guys. Haha...
    [版主回覆04/29/2008 00:11:00]Christine ,只剩下幾個月,你要多寫 LA ,還要多拍照,自己都可以做個紀念嘛, sentimental feeling 留待返港再寫吧!

  7. Isis: I would take your advice. Perhaps writing sentimental articles and dining out in LA at the same time. :-)
    Anyway, is 稻草肉 made by pork? It looks like pork to me. Does it taste sweet or kind of salty? heehee.. very cursious about this meat.
    [版主回覆04/29/2008 22:30:00]稻草肉 喺 用 五花 腩整,帶甜,味道都 似 東坡肉,至於綁條 稻草我就食 唔出有 稻草味 喇。

  8. Isis: I changed my style of writing a little bit today la... Haha...
    It talks about cloud and tree!! Hahaha...

  9. Sorry to keep asking this question since I never try 東坡肉 before. I just keep guessing how does it taste. Thanks anyway.
    [版主回覆04/30/2008 01:37:00]原來你 冇食過 東坡肉架!   咁點得 架,一於先去食東坡肉,再去食芒果糯米卷 啦!

  10. 最憎的野全部一次過上﹗好似趕客咁﹗ 個包做咩得一個﹖﹗的皮整到好似包咁厚~ 究竟係小籠包定叉燒包﹖
    [版主回覆05/02/2008 22:05:00]喺呀, 一籠一隻,比普通小籠包大隻小小架, 佢 哋 都有賣 普通小籠包,我貪得意試新 嘢嘛。
