Mango sticky rice roll looks very yummy!! Oh god.. I can't say no to mango. Either your picture was taking so good or they just make the look very nice, even though your comment is not very good about it. I still want to try. Mango sticky rice roll... Christine is coming! [版主回覆04/29/2008 00:21:00]當然「歸咎」於我攝影技術高超啦! 我想是因為 Mega Box 的發記沒甚麼人流,放於雪櫃太長時間。你回來時,我會帶你去人流多的發記,一定好吃。
My dear Isis: Me and Nicole are relying on you la...." 我會帶你& NICOLE 去人流多的發記& Other dessert places(Lifetime unlimited)" I would remember it!! Thank you, my dear Isis. You are not only having a talent in taking photograph, you also have such a kind and wonderful heart! Heehee.... [版主回覆04/29/2008 22:11:00]Christine ,叔婆去發記多過我行路同埋多過我食米呀,唔喺嘞,我哋一於2仔底死跟死螺住叔婆載我哋去發記至得 嘞。
Mango sticky rice roll looks very yummy!! Oh god.. I can't say no to mango.
回覆刪除Either your picture was taking so good or they just make the look very nice, even though your comment is not very good about it. I still want to try. Mango sticky rice roll... Christine is coming!
[版主回覆04/29/2008 00:21:00]當然「歸咎」於我攝影技術高超啦! 我想是因為 Mega Box 的發記沒甚麼人流,放於雪櫃太長時間。你回來時,我會帶你去人流多的發記,一定好吃。
Isis: Don't lie to me ar.. I will take your word seriously. I would trust that you would bring me and have dessert everywhere ga...
[版主回覆04/29/2008 21:59:00]間間發記都有架。
我又去 ,我又去 !!!!
回覆刪除Dear Chrisitne: 我哋一於2仔底死跟死螺 住Isis帶我哋周圍去飲飲食食 !!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/29/2008 22:10:00]你不嬲都周圍去飲飲食食囉喎,我都要睇住你個 blog 嚟飯 搵 食。
My dear Isis: Me and Nicole are relying on you la...." 我會帶你& NICOLE 去人流多的發記& Other dessert places(Lifetime unlimited)" I would remember it!! Thank you, my dear Isis. You are not only having a talent in taking photograph, you also have such a kind and wonderful heart! Heehee....
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/29/2008 22:11:00]Christine ,叔婆去發記多過我行路同埋多過我食米呀,唔喺嘞,我哋一於2仔底死跟死螺住叔婆載我哋去發記至得 嘞。
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/29/2008 23:11:00]你讚緊我影得 靚呀?我都覺架,多謝喎!
Isis: First, you really took a good shot.
回覆刪除Second, I don't care who takes me to go there. Anyway, I'm in. Heehee..
[版主回覆05/01/2008 00:13:00](Empty)
深井發記weekend真係超級多人....佢d野咁貴(相同價錢夠去綠林食兩次), 真係無改錯名....發!!!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/01/2008 00:12:00]銅鑼灣 嗰間都喺,唔知點解得 Megabox 咁靜。不過,發記可以食吓坐吓,綠林坐低至起身 唔 駛 5 分鐘,香港地,空間時間都好貴架!
係呀, 我係讚緊您影得靚.
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/01/2008 00:14:00](Empty)
芒果糯米卷好難即叫即做架啵~ 等到你條頸長到上大氣層都未整好呀~
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/02/2008 22:19:00]佢 哋 d 甜品喺工場預先生產 嘅 ,但我懷疑 佢 哋 芒果糯米卷雪 咗幾日,因為咬落質地味道都有 d 怪。