In the US, whenever a politician have this type of Bebate in public, they already have their staffs collect all inform,ation regarding their opponents, what thepublic wants to hear....I am surprise that he doesn't have this type of support and preparation...... [版主回覆06/22/2010 13:21:00]有呀,曾特首都有架。但佢唔可以明明白白咁講唔駛旨意有一人一票普選嘛,所以只得問非所答囉。
辯才是當官的入職基本條件 I don't agree with that. Many public officials do not need to face the public.
The South China Morning Post has an article today explaining this whole debate was meant to be a diversion, from the secret negotiations between BJ and the DP [版主回覆06/23/2010 00:51:00]官唔同公務員,起碼都中高層,唔駛面對全香港,都要面對上司下屬或其他部門,邀功卸責都要講辯才,總唔可以一味講:你信我啦,係我啱晒你錯晒。
曾生今次呢個行動的動機係乜真係難明,因為佢好似唔係立心想贏。 如果積極而又陰謀論的諗,可能佢係刻意令市民反對聲音可以用數據展示畀北大人睇,因而爭取到而家呢個有人覺得OK,又有人覺得退讓的區議會方案。而我估計623時呢個新版本應該可以通過。 當然,上面的想法只係我一廂情願的想法,究竟真相係乜就冇人知了。
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/21/2010 22:49:00]嘩,如果真係好似你咁講,曾生就真係人不可以貌相咯。
好男不與女鬥~ 好心佢地啦﹌
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/21/2010 22:50:00]跌咗落地拿番咋沙!
真是高低立見. 曾生真是好唔得---口才+presentation 都唔得lo
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/21/2010 22:51:00]咁佢一定有其他嘢好得,先會步步高升到今日位置嘅。
In the US, whenever a politician have this type of Bebate in public, they already have their staffs collect all inform,ation regarding their opponents, what thepublic wants to hear....I am surprise that he doesn't have this type of support and preparation......
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/22/2010 13:21:00]有呀,曾特首都有架。但佢唔可以明明白白咁講唔駛旨意有一人一票普選嘛,所以只得問非所答囉。
辯才是當官的入職基本條件 I don't agree with that. Many public officials do not need to face the public.
回覆刪除The South China Morning Post has an article today explaining this whole debate was meant to be a diversion, from the secret negotiations between BJ and the DP
[版主回覆06/23/2010 00:51:00]官唔同公務員,起碼都中高層,唔駛面對全香港,都要面對上司下屬或其他部門,邀功卸責都要講辯才,總唔可以一味講:你信我啦,係我啱晒你錯晒。