2008年10月18日 星期六









16 則留言:

  1. I'm with you on this.  I do believe that if they would show that clip where you said 老男人坐在寬敞客廳裏說,他活了一把年紀,政府拿 $1000 來「敬他」是應份的,為何要查他的身 家, the public will turn against this guy, and all others like him. 
    I also agree with you that most taxpayers would not mind giving the truly needy elderly even more than $1,000.  How about a more liberal means test, like anyone with assets under $500,000 (not counting their home) getting $1,000, and anyone with assets under $250,000 getting $2,000?  But for those with more than $500k, just let them stay at $705 and $625.
    [版主回覆10/18/2008 21:34:00]$1000 跟 $700 差不了多少,就算有人貪着數也只不過每月貪多 $300 ,有 100 歲命也只可以多拿十萬,所以大家都覺得何必跟老人家計較,而且資產審查是需要成本的,為的就是 $300 ?
    其實生果金開了頭就沒辦法,只好由它繼續,窮的富的都照拿吧。應該另外特設一個長者綜援金給有需要的老人家,要申請要證明要調查,這是拿任何援助的正常程序,跟「敬老」無關。但是, Teacher ,資產審查一定要計算物業在內,總不能住 3000 呎大屋也照樣比錢吧。隱藏銀行存款較容易,物業轉移就要冒點風險。

  2. Isis: I just read this from the SCMP:
    A single person's assets are capped at HK$169,000 and his income at HK$5,910 a month. For a married couple, their assets cannot exceed HK$254,000 and their income should not exceed HK$9,740 .
    So, the current Fruit Money means test is not as tough as the one for  綜援 . And even an idiot like Donald Tsang wouldn't dream of making it tougher at the $1,000 level. 
    [版主回覆10/18/2008 21:43:00]Teacher ,你上面所說的 current Fruit Money means test 是指「普通高齡津貼」, 65-69 歲,合資格的就可以每月領取 $625 。 $705 是「高額高齡津貼」,無須 means test ,年滿 70 就可領取。
    現在政府願意通過資產審查,發放 $1000或 更多的錢。但是,好多 老人家反對,他們要爭取的是無須資產審查的 $1000。
    60 歲以上的單身長者綜援金有 $2,475 ,所以有點資產的長者應該不會超過 $2000 甚至 $1500 ,否則,拿綜援的會走出來抗議說不公平。

  3. 我覺得老人家比多D都合理,
    反而果D一家幾口,有工作能力又唔去自力更生,只靠公援過活的家庭..就要 cut 佢哋啦 !
    睇見果D拎綜援,仲話唔夠既人就把火...成日去旅行,有D仲返大陸包二奶 !
    [版主回覆10/18/2008 21:46:00]其實呢,綜援金只可以餓你唔死架咋,成日去旅行同包二奶嗰啲應該係隱瞞 咗 收入,即係呃綜援,又或者攞 晒全家 嘅 綜援金 自己 fing 。

  4. 嘩, 打好多字喎!
    我覺得, 一係唔加, 加就唔好攪乜野資產審查, 免得又勞文, 又傷財(要額外資源去做審查)
    [版主回覆10/18/2008 21:55:00]如果加都唔資產審查就會出事架啦,已經有人要求政府每年跟通漲加生果金,將來條數會好襟計。

  5. The reason I want to exclude owner-occupied property is because the limit has to be so much higher otherwise, thus may eventually cause this 高齡津貼 program to lose political support.  But I tend to agree with you that there're problems either way, especially with elderly folks with children who could shelter their assets, property or cash, with them. 

  6. Isis:  I would love to see some of those non-poor  老人家 who are opposed to the means test come out and argue their case.  The more the public see them, the more likely they'll turn against them, and in favor of a means test for the increased amount of $1,000.
    [版主回覆10/18/2008 23:47:00]Teacher ,你睇唔睇中文台架?我就係睇得多呢啲討論社會時事嘅節目,見到啲狐狸尾巴現晒出黎。本來個個話靠雞碎咁多生果金日子過得好悽涼,叫政府加到 $1000 ,但政府一話要資產審查啫,啲人就即刻轉軚話生果金係「敬老」唔係「養老」,冇理由要審查喎,仲話要 $1000 先算「敬老」。

  7. Isis: I learnt a lot from this article since I don't know why people setting up Fruit Money system in HK. I do agree with you that we should let the Fruit Money keeping to exist at this moment. Although fruit money used to make as 敬意,some elderly are really depends on that. However, I disagree to increase to $1000, except they can pass certain income and asset investigation. I would perfer to spend money on those needy elderly instead.
    [版主回覆10/19/2008 00:06:00]係呀,我都認為攞政府福利係應該提出證明, 冇理由你要就比, 唔比就等於唔尊重,每次 啲官員 比人用歪理質問就口震震唔識答,唉。

  8. The reason given by Donald not to raise the amount is valid. He could have done it easily but he donot burden the taxpayer that much. Apparently there will be a drastic increase of the number of OLD people in the next 2x years and it would create a huge burden to the government. However, I agree that the means test should be imposed if the amount was to be raised to $1000.
    [版主回覆10/20/2008 22:54:00]就算沒有人口老化問題,錢也應該留給有需要的人。

  9. I have been watching Chinese channels a lot more this year than 6 years ago.  Anyway, if those people are already so openly greedy and 狐狸尾巴現出, then the public will turn against them by the time  財爺 delivers his budget next year.
    On the other hand, a more pessimistic note, maybe people like Christine, PM, you, LC and me are a small minority in HK, and the majority are either greedy or stupid or both, thinking that the more our gov't gives money away, the more they'll benefit in the long term. 
    Hmmm, is my thinking swerving towards a criticism of democracy here, or what?  Another blog forming in my head....
    [版主回覆10/20/2008 22:56:00]其實,反對的人也不少,只是不會像貪婪的人那樣在鏡頭面前「呱呱叫」 。
    Teacher ,你是不是覺得雖有 democracy 但市民水準低的話就……就會像 bad money drives out good 之類, 期待看你的新 blog 。

  10. Tsang talks a full mouth of shit, he asked someone's going to be 60 to retire, but he himself is over 60.
    The more he is in the position, the more "唔順眼" he is. The point is we almost don't have any social welfare system, and he's still thinking about cutting them. Great shame
    [版主回覆10/20/2008 22:57:00]他有 cut 過福利嗎?我只看到他很慷慨地花錢在門面功夫。

  11. 其實政府可唔可以將個提高額的”生果金”另闢一個新名堂,唔同沿用的生果金掛鉤?
    [版主回覆10/20/2008 23:01:00]不是不可以,但要錢的人肯罷休嗎,如果要資產審查?

  12. TD needs to adjust his position later and say because of groundswell public demand, he is leaving the current $705 for age 70+ as universal, and means testing only the addition $295.  Those age 65-69 who are getting $625 will get $1,000 with the same means test.  This will assure those approaching age 70 but have a couple hundered thousand dollars in the bank that they'll get at least the $705.  If they continue to demand $1,000, they risk a public backlash.
    Yes, Isis, you understand exactly my thoughts on democracy.  Just look at the Philippines and India.
    [版主回覆10/21/2008 00:33:00]不妨加到 $1200 添,等生果金開飯啲人突然多咗咁多錢自然肯收貨,搭順風車攞着數嘅人就要諗啲比「敬老」跟加好嘅理由喇。不過,我估佢哋到時都係嘈搞社會分化呀,唔尊重老人家呀,傷害了全港老人家的感情咁啦。

  13. I like your idea of   分化- ing the needy from the greedy.  $1,200 for the truly needy and $705 for universal 敬老. This is a textbook "divide and conquer" political tactic.
    [版主回覆10/22/2008 14:25:00]就 睇 DT 敢 唔 敢企硬喇!

  14. Isis, you're right .  The latest cave-in proved that 佢唔敢 企硬, even against the obviously greedy.  In just 10 days, no less...., very sad for HK.  I hope some journalists would do a study on what kind of diet an old person has to consume $1,000 worth of fruit every month.
    I need to watch Chinese TV more to get a better sense of what's going on in this city.
    [版主回覆10/25/2008 14:33:00]曾特首搖風擺柳唔係第一次,每次一有人鬧佢就腳軟,所以宜家香港好多惡人無理取鬧,發吓爛喳話唔埋會有着數,唔出聲就乜都冇。

  15. There was a rally yesterday by the elderly demanding an end to the means testing of those aged 65-69 for their fruit money.  The disappointing thing, to me, was that most of my favorite LegCo members were there supporting them.
    Another group pushing for a universal retirement scheme is rallying on Nov 16.  Lets hope they don't draw more than a hundred or so people.
    [版主回覆10/27/2008 18:46:00]今次又 睇吓 駛唔駛掟蕉,如果 DT 又肯妥協 嘅 , 咁就輪到 55-64 歲爭取,因為退休年齡係 55 歲,冇理由 唔「尊敬」埋 佢 哋架,跟住又可以 輪到傷殘人士,得 $1170 咋,會 唔會覺得有 欠 「尊重」呢。

  16. Somebody needs to put some backbone into DT, or this nonsense will get completely out of hand...
