2008年1月11日 星期五


大邊爐 @ 九龍城 (29-12-07)



3 則留言:

  1. Isis, your 打邊爐 has alot more variety than what we usually have at home. Have you tried using the soup base with only tomato and potato as main ingredients (meatless) and nothing else? My colleague said that her mother did it during one of their family hotpot gatherings at home. She said it was good. I plan to try it one of these days.

  2. You know what, Isis, I wrote a long one here yesterday, but Yahoo messed up and lost it for me.
    Anyway, I wrote yesterday that your hotpot has alot more variety than what we have at home. We had it twice during the Christmas and New Year holidays with relatives and friends. My husband also bought a little bit of each of some roast foods from the restaurant. It is a easiest meal to do, especially for bad cooks like me.  My spaghetti and spring rolls are only two among so few that I do well as a cook.
    [版主回覆01/12/2008 21:11:00]說起這個 Yahoo Blog 我就   !
    自從 upgrade 後,看 blog 寫 blog 都變慢, screen 經常無緣無故「靜止」,於是 refresh 又 refresh ,打一個﹝回應﹞隨時要搞半個小時,我現正考慮要否搬 blog 。

  3. Oh no! please don't leave us......unless its possible for all of us your blog friends to go where you're going? Any site in mind? 
    [版主回覆01/12/2008 23:33:00]我只是去人家網站隨便看看,如果真的要搬,一定通知大家。
    其實,如果可以的話,我也不想搬,只是這個 yahoo ……唉,今天又不知道發甚麼神經病,回應發了出去,轉頭又不見了。    
