你都幾鍾意食詠黎園嫁喎! 又見到新野, 白雪公主好係咪d 有椰絲既糯米糍之類既野食呢?
嗰 d 一絲絲白色嘅喺米紙,裏面嘅餡喺蝦,幾好睇嘅,食落就無 乜特別。
gosh, that first chicken dish looks soooo inviting...
hi hi what is 白雪公主 arr... it looks quite weired and no taste !!??? which one is the best and must have dishes arr... and where is it ..??? how about 'wine chicken' i do love it and must have this dish in this kind of restaurant..thanksss.. helpppp
help:位於紅墈黃埔花園,拿拿臨去啦,路邊社消息話蔡瀾美食坊將會褶埋喎。 有個冰鎮牛百頁你要試,我無影到相,但幾好食。仲有,我覺得包點類都唔錯,反而甜品就唔掂啦。
你都幾鍾意食詠黎園嫁喎! 又見到新野, 白雪公主好係咪d 有椰絲既糯米糍之類既野食呢?
回覆刪除嗰 d 一絲絲白色嘅喺米紙,裏面嘅餡喺蝦,幾好睇嘅,食落就無 乜特別。
回覆刪除gosh, that first chicken dish looks soooo inviting...
回覆刪除hi hi what is 白雪公主 arr... it looks quite weired and no taste !!??? which one is the best and must have dishes arr... and where is it ..??? how about 'wine chicken' i do love it and must have this dish in this kind of restaurant..thanksss.. helpppp
回覆刪除help:位於紅墈黃埔花園,拿拿臨去啦,路邊社消息話蔡瀾美食坊將會褶埋喎。 有個冰鎮牛百頁你要試,我無影到相,但幾好食。仲有,我覺得包點類都唔錯,反而甜品就唔掂啦。