LC and I just had a hotpot dinner with some friends in a 村屋, near a KCR station. They love it. They're renting the top floor, which includes the roof. There are many 村屋 here in my neighborhood. Come take a peek. [版主回覆11/26/2010 11:56:00]你嗰頭啲村屋好貴架噃,三樓連天台租金應該要萬二三?
I stayed at one of my friend's 村屋 in Sai-Gon several years back (for 3 days), the husband is an American (Retired Chicago police) and they love it! All three floors plus the roof...the location is not too bad, we can take the bus out (takes about 40 minutes..). It very relaxing in there and cleaner air...If I ever retire in HK, that's what i want to live in. [版主回覆11/29/2010 18:15:00]我都想住西貢,西貢係全香港村屋最貴嘅地方,三層全棟普普通通嗰啲都要千幾萬,我要等中咗六合彩先買得起咯。
我個人唔多鍾意村屋, 因為怕多蚊怕蛇蟲鼠蟻。朋友也是住村屋, 不過她可樂在其中(雖然見她夏天常常被蚊叮), 因為她有花園有地方, 閒時可以與朋友BBQ, 她說要她搬回上樓萬個不願。
回覆刪除不過有時見她出入就較麻煩一點。她有"雪牌", 沒有車, 所以下下都要等小巴巴士, 晚歸時就只有選擇的士。
[版主回覆11/25/2010 15:54:00]我唔返工又唔去夜浦,出外交通可以遷就到,但我就真係好怕有異形入屋。
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/25/2010 15:55:00]好多村屋都貼住地鐵站/火車站/巴士站,出入都好方便,當然方便嘅就貴啲,唔方便嘅就平啲。
LC and I just had a hotpot dinner with some friends in a 村屋, near a KCR station. They love it. They're renting the top floor, which includes the roof. There are many 村屋 here in my neighborhood. Come take a peek.
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/26/2010 11:56:00]你嗰頭啲村屋好貴架噃,三樓連天台租金應該要萬二三?
You are right on the button. They're paying 萬三
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/26/2010 12:27:00]我朋友嗰度七千八咋,但就出入比較麻煩,相差五千蚊,夠搭的士咯。
聽人講, 揀村屋要留意治安. 幾廿年前住過村屋, 地方好大, 通風. 唔係好覺有蛇蟲鼠蟻. 近馬路就好嘈. 唔近馬路就擔心安全.
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/29/2010 18:09:00]而家嗰啲近市區近地鐵嘅村屋租金好貴,同附近屋苑嘅租金差唔多,而且起到密質質,開陽啲疏落啲平啲嘅通常又出入麻煩,真係有辣有唔辣。
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/29/2010 18:14:00]有車都麻煩架,彎彎曲曲嘅單程小徑要互相遷就,又除非間屋嗰前園夠大,否則泊喺空地度隨時滿身傷痕。新界人唔鍾意四四六六講清楚,只係期望你應該識做,佢哋又經常喱個同嗰唔啱,又要你埋推,鄰里關係都好麻煩。
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/29/2010 18:14:00]有交通方便嘅村屋,但就會好貴囉。
I stayed at one of my friend's 村屋 in Sai-Gon several years back (for 3 days), the husband is an American (Retired Chicago police) and they love it! All three floors plus the roof...the location is not too bad, we can take the bus out (takes about 40 minutes..). It very relaxing in there and cleaner air...If I ever retire in HK, that's what i want to live in.
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/29/2010 18:15:00]我都想住西貢,西貢係全香港村屋最貴嘅地方,三層全棟普普通通嗰啲都要千幾萬,我要等中咗六合彩先買得起咯。