Just kidding with you, with the economy downfall, are they still maintaining the same customers?? [版主回覆11/24/2010 00:21:00]冇 economy downfall 喎?龍景軒依然要幾個禮拜前訂位。
Isis, I've been looking for the Chinese translation for weekdays for a long time. To my 週日 actually means Sunday. Even some translators couldn't tell me the answer. So 閒日 should be it then, yes?
Is this place worth our next T&R gathering? [版主回覆11/24/2010 12:41:00]全香港人都係咁理解: 週日=星期日 閒日=星期一至星期五
的確有人話過週日其實係 weekdays 翻譯過嚟,但今日個個都認為週日係指星期日,就算真係週日= weekdays 先係正宗都冇辦法。就等如個個都知道香港叫 Hong Kong ,如果話 Xianggang 先係正宗,大家只會 。
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/24/2010 00:18:00]咪就係大劉囉,次次都好大陣仗咁封晒路,仲要一大班記者,邊有人敢去丫!
呢張影得好靚 wor
回覆刪除睇見好想食 ...
[版主回覆11/24/2010 00:18:00]個芋頭糕真係幾好架,好有芋頭味。
I heard that this place is for thr rich in HK!! You must be one of them la!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/24/2010 00:21:00]你一個人知好喇 ,我驚比人標參呀!
Just kidding with you, with the economy downfall, are they still maintaining the same customers??
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/24/2010 00:21:00]冇 economy downfall 喎?龍景軒依然要幾個禮拜前訂位。
Isis, I've been looking for the Chinese translation for weekdays for a long time. To my 週日 actually means Sunday. Even some translators couldn't tell me the answer. So 閒日 should be it then, yes?
回覆刪除Is this place worth our next T&R gathering?
[版主回覆11/24/2010 12:41:00]全香港人都係咁理解:
的確有人話過週日其實係 weekdays 翻譯過嚟,但今日個個都認為週日係指星期日,就算真係週日= weekdays 先係正宗都冇辦法。就等如個個都知道香港叫 Hong Kong ,如果話 Xianggang 先係正宗,大家只會 。
閒日同 weekdays ,以前係指銀行開門日,但而家普遍都唔計星期六,雖然好多銀行星期六依然仲開門。
去福臨門食晚飯?福臨門有富豪飯堂之稱,專食鮑参翅肚, 。
名人飯堂..... 我唔敢去呀
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/24/2010 12:53:00]好好醜醜都要去試吓嘛,再去唔去第二次,睇荷苞而定囉。
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/29/2010 18:07:00]冇見到呀,佢哋一定係喱埋喺 VIP 房啦,我喱啲 VSP 先會坐大堂。