Not sure about France, but in the US, each waiter/waitress is assigned an area with certain number of tables, so the person who takes your order is the same person who serves your food, and takes care of all your needs while eating. And that's the person who takes your credit card. So this kind of theft couldn't happen there. [版主回覆03/29/2010 23:13:00]張卡攞嚟攞去就有風險,我都見過有部長跌咗人哋張卡都唔知。
The only time I ever had trouble was while we were in Las Vegas 4 years ago and my credit card info was stolen by someone. The day i returned home I checked my account and it was used in 4 different transaction all over the US...They bought a lap top and some musical stuffs with my card #.
I reported it to the credot card company (master card) and it was all taken care of...never found out who did it but I suspected it was in one of the Japanese Sushi restaurant we were in.... [版主回覆03/29/2010 23:14:00]幾年前去 Malaysia ,四個家庭共十幾人一齊去,只有四個人簽過卡,簽嘅都係五星酒店同高檔百貨公司。返香港後,四個人都被人盜用信用卡。
I think partly because of security reason, USA has this method for credit card is simply because of its consumerism. You can see a lot of things're so outdated there, such as the subway system. But it's so advanced when it comes to consumption. A lot of developed places including HK is still asking the customers to sign on the paper, it simply only needs you to sign on the machine. And I think the credit card system's totally linked internally, where the banks would calculate the trend of consumer behavior and probably sell the info to the shops or the government.
Not sure about France, but in the US, each waiter/waitress is assigned an area with certain number of tables, so the person who takes your order is the same person who serves your food, and takes care of all your needs while eating. And that's the person who takes your credit card. So this kind of theft couldn't happen there.
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/29/2010 23:13:00]張卡攞嚟攞去就有風險,我都見過有部長跌咗人哋張卡都唔知。
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/29/2010 23:13:00]係呀,尤其是星期日飲茶,越混亂就越容易出事。
The only time I ever had trouble was while we were in Las Vegas 4 years ago and my credit card info was stolen by someone. The day i returned home I checked my account and it was used in 4 different transaction all over the US...They bought a lap top and some musical stuffs with my card #.
回覆刪除I reported it to the credot card company (master card) and it was all taken care of...never found out who did it but I suspected it was in one of the Japanese Sushi restaurant we were in....
[版主回覆03/29/2010 23:14:00]幾年前去 Malaysia ,四個家庭共十幾人一齊去,只有四個人簽過卡,簽嘅都係五星酒店同高檔百貨公司。返香港後,四個人都被人盜用信用卡。
That's true, HK's very advanced in many things. Can't believe it doesn't even use this service.
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/29/2010 23:15:00]十幾年喇,而家應該有啲更先進更安全嘅新機啦。
依家都係俾CASH, 唔想飲茶都有壓力
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/30/2010 19:55:00]唔駛驚喎,以後要影低相先交張卡比佢咪得囉。
I think partly because of security reason, USA has this method for credit card is simply because of its consumerism.
回覆刪除You can see a lot of things're so outdated there, such as the subway system. But it's so advanced when it comes to consumption. A lot of developed places including HK is still asking the customers to sign on the paper, it simply only needs you to sign on the machine.
And I think the credit card system's totally linked internally, where the banks would calculate the trend of consumer behavior and probably sell the info to the shops or the government.
嘩﹗我上年年尾俾人撻左個號碼﹗簽左我三千幾皮﹗﹗ 係銀行發現話返俾我知架﹗好彩唔洗我填數咋﹗