2008年5月9日 星期五


金滿堂 @ 九龍城 (26-04-08)



椰汁芒果清心丸 $25

芝麻蛋白燉鮮奶 $19


11 則留言:

  1. 係咪近機場果便 ?  唉, 我自己又唔記得舖頭名, 真係唔知係唔係講緊同一間.
    [版主回覆05/11/2008 21:52:00]地址喺城南道 9 號,近機場酒店嗰邊。 你唔記得個舖頭名,喺唔喺因為 冇 下次嘞?

  2. My Dear Isis: This dessert place attracts me MOST!!!      ........
    I never try "ching sum yuen" before. Therefore, I have no clue how does it taste. Ah.... shameful time again. It seems that i really come back from LA and not raise up in HK.
    Mango! Mango looks soooo good. Alright, I'm ready to come back again. Wa ha ha. You would see this to evaluate how much I like the food.
    I miss you, Isis.
    [版主回覆05/11/2008 22:14:00]清心丸聽聞是用薯粉做的,透明,四方,骰仔般大小,本身沒有甚麼味道,咬起來煙煙韌韌,不喜歡的人說像咬塑膠,喜歡的就是愛它那種煙煙韌韌的口感。在潮州食肆一定會有「清心丸綠豆爽」這個糖水,綠豆是開了邊的(退了綠色的面層剩下黃白色的綠豆)。 啊?冬天還有沒有芒果呢?現在好像一年四季都有吧?

  3. oh, 我都要研發一下整d靚的果子先(不過Christine冇份............until Dec )
    [版主回覆05/11/2008 22:16:00]我有份嘛?

  4. Isis: I love all these desserts. Yummy!
    Nicole: Ok, if you succeed in making them especially the 椰汁芒果清心丸 and 芝麻蛋白燉鮮奶 , please teach us, ok?
    Christine: They way we are all tempting you with these foods and desserts and our bloggers' get togethers, I am not sure you will last end of the year. So, we'll see. Perhaps you might end up coming back sooner!
    Happy Mother's Day to you all, dear friends.
    [版主回覆05/12/2008 00:52:00]Mrs Teacher , Nicole 是大廚,她煮難度高的食品,椰汁芒果清心丸及芝麻蛋白燉鮮奶比較簡單,我知道怎樣做。 椰汁芒果清心丸 1. 清心丸在大型街市或雜貨舖可以買得到,煮到浮起來就可以用。 2. 海底椰、纖維果、椰汁都是罐頭,當然也可以用新鮮海底椰,只是新鮮海底椰不常有。 3. 芒果可以切粒、切條、切片,隨便切。
    4. 將上面各樣倒進碗內,再加點鮮奶或花奶即可。
    1. 兩隻蛋白(一人份)加同等份量的鮮奶(如果喜歡軟身,鮮奶可以再加多一點點),打勻。
    2. 煲滾水,放蒸架,上面放一個碗預先蒸熱。
    3. 碗熱後,碗上放一個篩( strainer ),將 1. 經過篩倒進熱碗內。
    4. 用小火蒸 3-5 分鐘。
    這個最難之處是火力及時間,不過蒸過 一兩 次後,就會掌握得到。

  5. Mrs Teacher: 邊個先係大廚, 一眼就睇到嘞 !!
    [版主回覆05/14/2008 17:55:00]當然是你!

  6. Isis: 有新成功產品一定有你份啦 !!!!
    [版主回覆05/14/2008 17:42:00](Empty)

  7. Nicole : I believe you and Isis are both good cooks. You are both good at judging which food is good and which is not good. Both of you also knows alot of ood places to eat.
    Isis: Thank you so much for giving me the procedures. Maybe I'll make some this weekend.
    [版主回覆05/14/2008 17:59:00]噢,我忘記說加糖,蛋白燉鮮奶如果用砂糖,會碗底太甜,碗面不夠甜,最好先將冰糖加水煮成糖水,放涼後才加進蛋白鮮奶一起打。
    我自己就喜歡用陳意齋的杏仁露,變成杏仁蛋白燉鮮奶, yummy 。 陳意齋 ( 14-10-2007 )

  8. Isis: I don't mind to become your "white mice" and try all your desserts! Isis, you are really need to responsible for taking care of my sweet tooth. I love dessert! Let me try to find out the place next time. Or if you go there again, please let me know.
    [版主回覆05/14/2008 18:09:00]白老鼠我自己做了好多次啦,我沒有「煮」這個天分,時好時壞,煮完要倒也試過。 看看這張 「 清心丸綠豆爽 」的照片。

  9. 唔係既, 因為九龍城太多野食, 是但坐低都得啦又.
    [版主回覆05/14/2008 18:09:00]九龍城的確有好多野食,但 唔喺間間都 好 丫 嘛,點可以 「 是但 」架!

  10. I finally able to see "Ching Sum Yuen", thanks Isis. It looks like Aloe to me. Ah... Kowloon and NT are two areas that I rarely go there before. Time for me to explore when I come back. Be my guide, Isis.
    [版主回覆05/15/2008 01:04:00](Empty)
