Nice early evening view, nice food! Definitely worth going one of these weekends. [版主回覆05/23/2008 16:36:00]Mrs Teacher ,你們最近都在忙嗎?你同 Teacher 也沒有新 blog ? 今天星期五囉, Have a nice weekend!
Teacher is very busy with the night school and preparing lessons. He doesn't have any nights off for now. I have no excuse for not updating my blog except........"I am lazy" or "I can't think of anything to write". Yep, it is Friday again and what a good day it is, because we would have sat and sun off again to spend with family. We plan to have dinner tomorrow followed by the movie, Indiana Jones. Any weekend plans, Isis? [版主回覆05/24/2008 01:47:00]留在家裏寫 blog 看 blog 。
留在家裏寫 blog 看 blog 。 That looks like a very productive day to me! By the way, we end up watching Indiana Jones tonight after his class. We decided to just stay home tomorrow. Have a good weekend!
Isis: This place looks very nice. The good....... definitely look so good la! When can we go again? Christine is ready now. 南丫島 I am coming soon...... Over Over... Isis: Nicole and I are ready. [版主回覆05/24/2008 21:44:00]你這麼多地方未去過,看來,你回港後要編個行程表。
It's been a few years since I could just 話去 就 去 , to Lamma Island, or Cheung Chau. Now, where have all my time gone? [版主回覆05/24/2008 21:46:00]星期六、星期日呢?
Sat and Sun are too crowded for me to go to the outlying islands. LC and I spend the day together in town, or at home. She has her church activities on Sundays until the afternoon, so we only have at most half a day together. We usually don't go too far because of the crowds on Sunday nights. [版主回覆05/24/2008 22:45:00]說來也是,星期天到處都人山人海。
[版主回覆05/23/2008 00:59:00]南丫島 咁遠, 你繼續 啦…
賣相很好, 貴不貴?
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/24/2008 21:28:00]付款人更正話…… $461 先至 啱 喎,送生果,送來回船票。
回覆刪除天虹有免費船來回,一家大細都真係慳番 好多o架!!我哋就至鍾意佢的椒鹽鮮魷 ,佢d鮮魷真係鮮味無比,我只從天虹這一家食過如此令小妹難忘的椒鹽鮮魷 !!碟炒聖子好似好好味咁.....
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/23/2008 01:15:00]一家大細先至 唔好慳呀, d 細路 唔聽話架,又話坐呢度,又話擒嗰度, d 阿媽驚 佢 哋拋咗落海咪追 嚟 追去囉,但隻船好搖, d 阿媽都自身難保,你話幾牙煙呢!
温馨提示:請繼續支持賑災 。多謝你!
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/23/2008 01:15:00](Empty)
♡ ♡ 一個十五軍空降兵部隊隊員,寫給女友的短信。 ♡ ♡
【 我去災區了,別為我擔心,看到那麼多人被災情折磨著,作為軍人的我義不容辭,雖然我可以不去。我沒有告訴家裡任何人,只告訴你。那裡情況不容樂觀,搶險救災有一定危險。記住, 如果我留了在那裡,別哭! 你失去的是一個親人,那裡很多人失去的不止一個親人, 那裡建好了去那裡看看 ,別問我留在什麼地方!】
5.14 有“千歲軍”之稱的空十五軍空降兵部隊早前被派往四川救災,由於工作危險重重,所有隊員出發前均寫下遺書。該隊隊員的女友因久久收不到男友的消息,非常擔心,及後收到男友手機短信。 東方日報5月17日報導,4,500名國家空15軍空降部隊,於5月14日空降災區時,其中一小隊因四川地勢險要,加上天氣突轉趨惡劣,隊員空降途中被強風吹撞懸崖峭壁,造成4死10失蹤。
悼念於四川災區殉職的 200 多名解放軍及武警。
[版主回覆05/23/2008 16:30:00](Empty)
Nice early evening view, nice food! Definitely worth going one of these weekends.
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/23/2008 16:36:00]Mrs Teacher ,你們最近都在忙嗎?你同 Teacher 也沒有新 blog ?
今天星期五囉, Have a nice weekend!
Teacher is very busy with the night school and preparing lessons. He doesn't have any nights off for now. I have no excuse for not updating my blog except........"I am lazy" or "I can't think of anything to write". Yep, it is Friday again and what a good day it is, because we would have sat and sun off again to spend with family. We plan to have dinner tomorrow followed by the movie, Indiana Jones. Any weekend plans, Isis?
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/24/2008 01:47:00]留在家裏寫 blog 看 blog 。
係??上次我哋坐又ok wor!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/24/2008 01:44:00]可能同潮汐有關 喇。
留在家裏寫 blog 看 blog 。
回覆刪除That looks like a very productive day to me! By the way, we end up watching Indiana Jones tonight after his class. We decided to just stay home tomorrow. Have a good weekend!
Isis: This place looks very nice. The good....... definitely look so good la! When can we go again? Christine is ready now. 南丫島 I am coming soon...... Over Over... Isis: Nicole and I are ready.
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/24/2008 21:44:00]你這麼多地方未去過,看來,你回港後要編個行程表。
回覆刪除It's been a few years since I could just 話去 就 去 , to Lamma Island, or Cheung Chau. Now, where have all my time gone?
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/24/2008 21:46:00]星期六、星期日呢?
$461又ok 喎. 本來見$6XX仲想話都幾貴. 我地打第明天去, 其實佢d船牙唔牙煙架? 牙煙的話我寧願坐新渡輪.
回覆刪除BTW, 睇妳個blog真好, 成日都比到我有family day活動參考. Thank you!
[版主回覆05/24/2008 22:51:00]如果 MC 乖 嘅就 唔牙煙,因為上層甲板只得圍欄,擒 嚟 擒 去就好危險架 嘞 ,一定要 乖乖坐定定,當然你亦可以坐下層冷氣艙。〈天虹〉 d 船 比較細比較輕,所以有 d 搖囉。
可以參考〈 天虹 〉網址。
Sat and Sun are too crowded for me to go to the outlying islands. LC and I spend the day together in town, or at home. She has her church activities on Sundays until the afternoon, so we only have at most half a day together. We usually don't go too far because of the crowds on Sunday nights.
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/24/2008 22:45:00]說來也是,星期天到處都人山人海。
返黎啦! Isis, 隻船真係好搖, 下次都係坐下層, 上層太刺激la 仲有呀, 都唔見佢地d救生衣o既.
回覆刪除不過天虹d海鮮真係好正, 推介油鹽水蜆, 聖子皇. 另大花蝦好貴, 4隻要$325 , 下次唔會食!
[版主回覆05/26/2008 13:05:00]喺呀,喺呀,我又喺週圍搵救生衣搵水泡呀!
嘩! $325 四隻大花蝦! 你會 post 出 嚟嘛?
我一上船就同QC細細聲講, 點解無水泡同救生衣? touch wood有事會好大獲嫁喎. 後尾落船見到原來船尾有水泡都覺得安心d, 不過我都係見唔到救生衣.
回覆刪除其實坐上層真他'巧京京'. MC一真都捉實我隻手.
無海鮮相唷, 因為相機無電...但係其實d蝦唔係好大隻, 所以覺得唔係好才底食...