But the rest of the food looking good!![版主回覆10/20/2010 18:36:00]隻雞一樣好味精架。
Wow, look at the MSG!! I will be afraid to eat that...Bad for my blood pressure la!![版主回覆10/20/2010 18:34:00]出街食飯,難免食到味精,但喱碟味精豆腐就真係好得人驚。
嘩!多味精?即係又唔健康,又對高血壓唔好啦…… 重諗住算近,幾時走去見識下。[版主回覆10/20/2010 18:37:00]出街食飯預咗食味精,但落味精落到咁狼,除咗喱間太爺雞,仲有嗰間傳媒吹捧嘅中環名店蛇王芬。
恐怖到............................ .[版主回覆10/20/2010 18:37:00]唔通味精平。
I'll have to tell my mom not to go to that place... as we live close to Shaukeiwan! lol
雪山豆腐 - 好名!
But the rest of the food looking good!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/20/2010 18:36:00]隻雞一樣好味精架。
Wow, look at the MSG!! I will be afraid to eat that...Bad for my blood pressure la!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/20/2010 18:34:00]出街食飯,難免食到味精,但喱碟味精豆腐就真係好得人驚。
嘩!多味精?即係又唔健康,又對高血壓唔好啦…… 重諗住算近,幾時走去見識下。
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/20/2010 18:37:00]出街食飯預咗食味精,但落味精落到咁狼,除咗喱間太爺雞,仲有嗰間傳媒吹捧嘅中環名店蛇王芬。
恐怖到............................ .
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/20/2010 18:37:00]唔通味精平。
回覆刪除I'll have to tell my mom not to go to that place... as we live close to Shaukeiwan! lol
回覆刪除雪山豆腐 - 好名!