2008年6月10日 星期二


Joseph’s at the Graduate Restaurant @ HKU (25-05-08)

HKU裏面有家Joseph's at the Graduate Restaurant,英文名字有點奇怪,中文叫做〈嘉年華研究生堂餐廳〉,嘉年華?




9 則留言:

  1. haha, 喜歡這種"懶"文藝的氛圍. 看你這幾張漂亮的圖片我就很有食慾, 饞~~
    幾年前在HKU考PTH試. 居然U裡有這等偷閑好去處~~
    [版主回覆06/11/2008 20:23:00]如果下次你要去 HKU 考試或上堂,不妨去光顧一下,專程去食就不必囉。

  2. Yahoo的”去邊度”都有介紹過,不過評價係毀譽參半.
    [版主回覆06/11/2008 20:27:00]我認為很食得過,不過我是順道去行 HKU ,應該不會 專程 再 去 食。

  3. Oh, I don't know there is such a relaxing place within a university. But I seldom go pass that place...so I could hardly visit this restaurant.
    [版主回覆06/11/2008 20:30:00]有機會經過再去囉。

  4. 我去過食飯, 不過已經冇咩印象好唔好食.
    [版主回覆06/11/2008 21:25:00]雖然你已經 冇印象,不過能夠吸引到甘蛇去都算…… 咦… HKU 好近 咋 喎,唔怪得你去過啦!

  5. That's a very strange name for a restaurant...
    [版主回覆06/11/2008 23:37:00]我想原本意思是 Joseph’s Restaurant at Graduate House ,但現在的 Joseph’s at the Graduate Restaurant 有點 。
    噢, Joseph 你要出來解釋一下。

  6. Is this a new building at HKU?
    I used to study at the secondary school which is very close to HKU. It just across the street and then I can see the main building of the HKU. When I was student, I used to dream that I would able to study in HKU in one day. However, I am not smart enough in memorizing. I still remember many chapters I learnt from school right now. But, it doesn't mean that I'm good in taking the examination. Haha... I never able to study there. I should say, I even don't know why should I study by that time. But, I did spend time in the main building and walking around the campus for couple of times.
    The main entree looks nice and same as the price too!
    P.S. Thank you so much for your encouraging message to study about the photography. My flame lights up now... Wa hahaha...
    [版主回覆06/12/2008 22:56:00]Graduate House 建於何年?唔知呀,我第一次去咋,你去得多過我喎。 Christine ,就喺因為你成日對住 HKU ,所以激起奮發心,最後可以去外國讀書嘛,第日有仔女,你都要經常帶佢哋去參觀 d 一流學校,等佢哋有上進心。

  7. 咁又唔係, 當年係 HKU 讀教育文憑都試過上去食飯既.

  8. Our uni alumni is organising an art exhibition in HKU. Lunch will be held at Joseph's. So I may have a chance to try this place!! 
    [版主回覆06/17/2008 23:11:00]好丫,呢度好好坐架,好適合傾偈。

  9. I mean I have never been to this restaurant before.
    [版主回覆06/30/2008 23:25:00]可能是你既要工作,又要上堂,家裏有三個孩子等着你,所以每次都用最快的方法到達目的地,我比較得閒,經常左望望右望望,捐窿捐罅。
