2008年6月12日 星期四


京香餃 @ 堅道 (25-05-08)


雞絲粉皮 $30

魚肉水餃 $35

酸辣湯 $15

山東大包 $10

11 則留言:

  1. 粉皮貌似乾貨水發, 不是綠豆粉皮. 水餃的皮大概是供貨, 不像手工做的. 大包的賣相不錯, 看得出"收口"對稱, 不知有何"內裡乾坤"~~
    [版主回覆06/13/2008 21:48:00]舖內貼滿了雜誌訪問本,內容說餃皮麵條是老闆娘親手搓的。

  2. 雞絲粉皮  is one of Little Creature's favorite dishes
    [版主回覆06/13/2008 22:02:00]Teacher ,你現在是否教少了堂數,可以陪 Mrs Teacher 去食 雞絲粉皮啦?
     Mrs Teacher ))))) Teacher 很記掛着你的心頭好,說你鍾意食 雞絲粉皮,甚麼時候再有 gathering 呀 ,我們 齊齊 去 食 雞絲粉皮囉。

  3. 粉皮個麻醬d色好似比一般其他的食店深色dwor ,佢哋的食物好有住家feel.
    [版主回覆06/13/2008 22:05:00]仲有佢哋 d 營運模式都好祖國住家 feel 架。

  4. 呢間我揸車成日都會經過, 母親也說想去試試.
    話時話, 做咩過到來咁遠水路 ?
    [版主回覆06/13/2008 22:08:00]行完 HKU 想順便去食,但附近 冇車位,結果好迂迴咁先食到。

  5. I'm still doing 4 classes a week, for the rest of the month.  I'll get a break in the first couple weeks of July

  6. "舖內...是老闆娘親手搓的"  真係咁, 值得去試試~~

  7. 果度梗係冇車位啦又.

  8. Isis: Which part of 堅道? Does it close to St. Stephen's Girl? I cannot recognize exactly where it is based on the picture. I used to study at Catholic Mission Primary School, would it be close to that side?
    The "rice noodle skin" looks good. I am interested to see that you go around and try different restaurants almost every week. Don't you know how much meaning to me? A way to see HK through all your pictures. Hopefully, i would have my car in one day so that I can go everywhere in HK.
    Anyway, I totally "SECOND" to your idea! Please set up another gathering again! I miss to see your pictures la....
    [版主回覆06/17/2008 00:07:00]我 唔知你間小學喺邊噃。
    其實非常近甘棠第,不過你都唔知甘棠第喺邊。城隍街、荷李活道警察宿舍呢 d 你知唔知呀?喺嗰頭度啦。

  9. 好祖國住家feel此句可圏可點wor !!!
    [版主回覆06/17/2008 00:18:00]
    Nicole , Teacher 七月放暑假啦 ,你好似唔駛去美國嘞喺咪呀,咁…… gathering 囉!

  10. Isis: Just stop by and say "Hi" la.... nothing important. As you may notice, i already get use to go and visit certain bloggers daily. Even though, you don't have any post up, I still would leave you message.  Good night.
    [版主回覆06/17/2008 00:03:00]哈哈, Christine ,我 睇住你出現。
    其實我冇乜存貨 嘞 ,就嚟停版架啦。

  11. Very touching... almost want to cry.  I know where is 荷李活道! Yes, I know the area. ( oh god... really shameful!) I told myself that I would spend time to know about HK again.
    Please don't give up to write. I would miss you if you don't write. But, I would happy for you as long as you find the most comfortable way for yourself. As you know, I won't let you go anywhere. I would call you while I am staying in HK.
