Isis: 洞庭樓主要吃那種菜?廣東菜?LA有間洞庭春,吃四川菜的,辣到飛起,全身冒火,舌頭也麻了.但它的紙包牛肚是一絕!辣椒香....好味。中間那杯是乜醬?好似馬拉人的蝦醬?食物的份量很像很少,價錢合理? [版主回覆06/09/2008 00:46:00]洞庭樓喺湖南菜,亦喺出名辣。 上面個盅喺雞茸,將雞肉剁碎再燉,好味架。 匆忙得滯,冇影低個 menu ,宜家又唔記得 d 菜名同價錢,剩喺記得埋單五百頭。
You still stay awake? Sleep la.... I need to make the correction. 洞庭春is 湖南菜, but not Sichuan dishes. I like another dishes called - 酸豆角炒肉末。 Okay... need to go back to office and clean up my paperwork. Ah.. it is Sunday. But, I do need to make sure that my office can run properly tomorrow. Good night again.
Isis & Nicole: Perhaps we can hang out to have dinner with "Hu Nan"dishes while I'm staying in HK. Same question as Nicole: What the purpose to have the "smashed chicken dipping"? It is taste salty?
Isis: 洞庭樓主要吃那種菜?廣東菜?LA有間洞庭春,吃四川菜的,辣到飛起,全身冒火,舌頭也麻了.但它的紙包牛肚是一絕!辣椒香....好味。中間那杯是乜醬?好似馬拉人的蝦醬?食物的份量很像很少,價錢合理?
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/09/2008 00:46:00]洞庭樓喺湖南菜,亦喺出名辣。 上面個盅喺雞茸,將雞肉剁碎再燉,好味架。
匆忙得滯,冇影低個 menu ,宜家又唔記得 d 菜名同價錢,剩喺記得埋單五百頭。
You still stay awake? Sleep la....
回覆刪除I need to make the correction. 洞庭春is 湖南菜, but not Sichuan dishes. I like another dishes called - 酸豆角炒肉末。
Okay... need to go back to office and clean up my paperwork. Ah.. it is Sunday. But, I do need to make sure that my office can run properly tomorrow. Good night again.
D 食物份量好似奀咗DD....
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/10/2008 12:08:00]喺好奀架咋,如果唔喺有碗麵,要加餸添呀。
餐具好靚好吸引, 第一眼令我注目的是那些餐具 ! 不過湖南菜, 我家小姐同老爺都一定受不了, 所以應該無緣去試!!!!
回覆刪除雞茸??? 點食的??? 當餸???? 睇個樣唔講以為佢係鵝肝添!!!
今日本來想去陸羽食晚飯(尋晚見到電視"蔡瀾的介紹就想去 ), 不過早上打電話去時已經冇晒位, 今晚只係去會所食"冇喱鑊氣小菜".
[版主回覆06/10/2008 12:06:00]嗰盅雞茸嘅名堂好似喺叫雞茸羹之類,滑 lue-lue ,質地似豆腐。
我都覺得宜家有好多「正」食肆做晒 book 枱客,完全唔留番 d 枱比 walk in 客,試過好多次未夠六點行入去,已經話全晚訂滿晒,冇得等咁話喎, 睇嚟香港經濟好好喇 。
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/10/2008 12:11:00]有所謂架,太趕嘞。
Isis & Nicole: Perhaps we can hang out to have dinner with "Hu Nan"dishes while I'm staying in HK.
回覆刪除Same question as Nicole: What the purpose to have the "smashed chicken dipping"? It is taste salty?
[版主回覆06/10/2008 12:15:00]好,一定同你去 洞庭樓, 仲會指定食呢 盅雞茸,勾手指。
Christine: 好嘢,有Isis帶住我哋去搵食 ,我哋只係需要先餓自己幾餐,等肚皮多d空間 !
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/10/2008 22:20:00]但我都喺 留意住你個 blog 搵食噃。
一個鐘 ok 啦.
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/10/2008 22:32:00]食到 咁趕, 都遲 咗兩個字先交到 枱。
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/10/2008 22:37:00]你講個肉燥飯應該 喺…好似叫 乜乜擔仔麵。第一個 喺用 雞茸做到好似豆腐咁。