2007年7月25日 星期三




8 則留言:

  1. The Teacher:我怎麼好像看見你在嘲笑我把這等雕蟲小技放上來?

  2. Isis, I would never dream of 嘲笑you.  The reason for that crack was that I just found out the origin of Isis, an ancient queen.  Sorry I failed to make myself clear. Anyway, what is 雕蟲小技?  My Chinese is very shaky.

  3. Wow!!!  And thank you for posting the article!!

  4. 謝謝捧場!   The teacher : 「雕蟲小技」通常是形容見不得人(或「呃飯食」)的技倆。我對雕刻不在行,實在不明白為甚麼雕一條蟲只能算是「小技」( insignificant skill ),那要雕甚麼才算是「大技」?龍? 舉例說,我那些蕃茄芝士包、薯仔 pizza 就是「雕蟲小技」;那些炆鮑魚 、花膠 扣鵝掌等就是「雕龍大技」。 沒辦法,我就只會這些 「雕蟲小技」,嘻嘻,如果連「雕蟲小技」都不放上來,這裏可以關門大吉了。

  5. Isis,  thank you for the explanation.  But now, if it is true that 如果連「雕蟲小技」都不放上來,這裏可以關門大吉了, that means my blog site should be 關門大吉 all the way.  I haven't figured out how to post a video yet.  In fact, I haven't figured out how to do a video yet  

  6. The Teacher真會開玩笑,你寫的深層次文章教化世人,我這些圖文並茂的只可自娛。 其實,yahoo的「上載相片」並不user-friendly,我都搞得一頭煙。

  7. Isis, thank you for your kind words I don't even know what 深層次文章教化世人 means exactly, but I could guess enough from the isolated characters that the whole phrase is kind and flattering.  One of the things I discovered since my return to HK was that there are many occasions that I would know each individual character in a sentence, but had no idea what such combination means.  This is possible in English also, but much more so in Chinese. Chinese is such a rich language with a wide variety of character combinations to express thoughts that I wish I had paid more attention in primary school learning it.  Back in my days, English and Maths were cool, and Chinese was not.
