陸羽茶室 @ 中環 (28-11-10)
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/26/2011 11:48:00]好呀!
I was there a few years ago with my wife, just want to try it because of their "Name"!! To be honest, they treated me good! I was real surprise because you know the way I am dressed, that day I was in shorts, t-shirt, flip flop!
回覆刪除They took one look at me and said: You are visiting HK? I said yes and I like to get a seat. They invited me in, I even took a picture with 2 waiters outside!! What an experience!!
The other people inside were all well dressed! Rich folks!!
[版主回覆01/26/2011 11:53:00]陸羽大叔見得人多,知道你禾桿冚珍珠。
To be truthful, i didn't like the food that much...I have ate better else where...
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/26/2011 11:53:00]佢哋嘅點心幾好架,小菜就好普通。
The one and only time I ate there was as a tourist, in 1995, I think. I don't remember what I ordered, but I wasn't very impressed with the food. Maybe because I didn't know how to order. My Chinese was really really bad then.
回覆刪除I remember they still had spittoons next to each table.
[版主回覆01/26/2011 11:55:00]個個去陸羽都叫豬肺湯,話正喎,我就覺得麻麻。
I have to take my hub to try these kind of old Chinese tea restaurants! Seems good!
回覆刪除To BD: from the way you dressed, for sure they know you're a "tourist" lol...
[版主回覆01/26/2011 11:57:00]佢哋啲點心 ok 架,不過同當年比,就差咗啲。
Ok, you guys talked me into it. I'll go tomorrow. Do I need to get there before noon to avoid the lunch hour rush?
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/27/2011 01:26:00]
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/27/2011 12:28:00]一支公不如去蓮香啦。
嗰碟黃紅辣椒醬好經典wor! e+ d酒樓好少有得提供了。
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/27/2011 12:34:00]係呀,所以要影相囉。
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/28/2011 19:24:00]懷舊風味。
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/28/2011 19:28:00]印喱種點心紙都可能好貴架。
A restaurant called Cantopop (a mish-mash of East and West) will open in April at L Place in Central.
回覆刪除You may want to keep an eye on this place, in case I forget...
[版主回覆01/28/2011 19:29:00]我會提你 to keep an eye 架喇。