2008年12月3日 星期三




9 則留言:

  1. 快d有人答啦,我都好想知 !!!!
    [版主回覆12/04/2008 19:28:00]似乎你 嚟寫好啲 喎,你嗰邊收視率高喎!

  2. 好問題.
    [版主回覆12/04/2008 19:29:00]我想要個好答案啊!

  3. You can sprinkle them on top of salad....but I try not to eat the yoke...too much cholesterol!
    [版主回覆12/04/2008 19:30:00]我好少整 salad ,幾乎冇 整過。
    我 唔驚 too much cholesterol ,但我 驚有老人癡呆,事實上我懷疑我已經有囉,因為我好 冇記性呀,蛋黃補腦預防 老人癡呆 咁話 喎。

  4. 煮糖水時做蛋花得唔得呢 ?
    [版主回覆12/04/2008 19:30:00]蛋花用全蛋架喎,剩 蛋黃得 唔 得呢? 剩 蛋黃配邊種糖水好呢?諗吓先……

  5. 我都好想知
    [版主回覆12/04/2008 19:31:00]個個都想知,但究竟……

  6. I use left-over egg yolks for sauces, desserts and making crème-brulee since you don’t have oven at home. You can make Tiramisu (it doesn’t require to bake)

    There are other choices you can consider:

    Making thickened sauce such as Hollandaise Sauce serves on the top of steamed Asparagus or other vegetables or seafood or Egg Benedict.

    If you want to have some liqueur dessert, you can make a fabulous Italian dessert, the ingredients are egg yolks, powered sugar and Sherry. Those are simply cooking for left-over egg yolks. Hope that helps!

    [版主回覆12/04/2008 23:23:00]多謝 晒啊!  聽日開始凍嘞,整個蒸 嘅 crème brulee 唔知得唔得呢?我試 吓先,好多謝你比靈感我!

  7. You are very welcome!  As you know, I am a food + dessert lover. I enjoy cooking and baking! I usually bake crème-brulee. I think that you can make crème-brulee - the custard base without baking.  Do you have a blowtorch?  After making the custard base, you need to make a layer of hard caramel (like burning sugar on the top). I don't have a blowtorch at home, but I put them under the oven (broiler) until the sugar melts.
    [版主回覆12/05/2008 00:31:00]我冇 blowtorch 架,不過有個多士焗爐,唔知做唔做到效果呢?咦,仲可以加西米喎,睇嚟遲啲我又要去做實驗,唔得閑寫 blog 嘞。

  8. 早知Violet一定可以解答到的 ,我有咩英文呀,電腦呀,攝影呀,湊仔呀,整嘢食呀等等....(太多,未能盡錄)問題都會去問佢的 .
    [版主回覆12/05/2008 13:43:00]湊仔?哦?湊「大仔」係嘛?  至於 Emily ,我睇佢就嚟叫你哋自己去撐枱腳;唔好阻住佢同人撐枱腳!
    Violet 直頭犀利過曾 Sir ! 佢以後會好唔得閒架嘞!

  9. Isis,
    我早 2 日用了 2 隻蛋黃 + 1 隻全蛋, 發勻後可以煎到3塊蛋角 (有免治豬肉 + 洋蔥做餡) 呀.....
    可以唔駛 side 左 d 蛋黃喇....
    [版主回覆12/18/2008 17:26:00]
    煎蛋角對我嚟講係高難度,我經常煎到甩甩漏漏,最後上碟時好似炒蛋咁 嘅 樣。
    我都試過將蛋黃溝隻全蛋做蛋花,不過始終 唔夠全蛋白 咁滑咁好食,平時我都鍾意整鮮奶燉 蛋白,所以經常剩番 啲蛋黃囉!
