Isis, on the other side of New Town Plaza, they have a 翡翠 kitchen, diagonally across from Shakey's Pizza. I love their congee and choy sum noodles soup. I eat there for lunch after exercising in the gym often. [版主回覆02/20/2008 20:25:00]是翡翠小廚嗎?我會去試。不過我通常只會星期日才去 Newtown Plaza ,但是星期日的 Newtown Plaza 人山人海,真是搵食艱難!
回覆刪除Isis, on the other side of New Town Plaza, they have a 翡翠 kitchen, diagonally across from Shakey's Pizza. I love their congee and choy sum noodles soup. I eat there for lunch after exercising in the gym often.
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/20/2008 20:25:00]是翡翠小廚嗎?我會去試。不過我通常只會星期日才去 Newtown Plaza ,但是星期日的 Newtown Plaza 人山人海,真是搵食艱難!
回覆刪除另外,CWB Time Square的金滿庭d小籠包都做得幾好的!!
[版主回覆02/20/2008 20:32:00]金滿庭…好似有去過,有一輪,經常去食通天、利舞台,呢 一兩 年少去 咗,係時候去刮下料 。