Have you tried the Jade Kitchen diagonally across from Parkview. I seldom have to wait in line there. But then, I go there only after lunch hours or before dinner hours.
My experience at Parkview was not good. The bread was stale, and the main dish was just lukewarm. [版主回覆01/08/2009 00:33:00]Teacher ,你指〈悅翠小廚〉? CLICK HERE 上個禮拜元旦日都有去食。
I have a different concept than you regarding to restaurants that have nolines outside.. For me, if there is no one waiting, the food cannot be that good!! I don't mind waiting..if the food is good, it's worth it. I rather spent time waiting than walk right in and sit down and have bad food.. (That's only my personal preference and choices...there is no proven fact on that theory!) [版主回覆01/08/2009 21:40:00]冇人幫趁就一定差,但排晒隊嘅就唔一定好,香港電視台報章雜誌日日都有食肆推介,出過鏡、上過報、名人幫趁過嘅;就會排隊架嘞。 另外, New Town Plaza 係一個特別墟冚嘅地方,逢星期日人山人海,入停車場要排隊,餐廳食飯要排隊,買嘢比錢要排隊。就算 SARS 期間, New Town Plaza 都係咁旺。
好似麻麻咋喎 ~
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/08/2009 00:26:00]的確麻麻。
真係油麻地咁喎 !
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/08/2009 00:26:00]有樣睇?
個 desert 真係有 d 似 "肥皂"
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/08/2009 00:27:00]見到個樣已經覺得好假,好似落 咗孔雀石綠咁。
Have you tried the Jade Kitchen diagonally across from Parkview. I seldom have to wait in line there. But then, I go there only after lunch hours or before dinner hours.
回覆刪除My experience at Parkview was not good. The bread was stale, and the main dish was just lukewarm.
[版主回覆01/08/2009 00:33:00]Teacher ,你指〈悅翠小廚〉? CLICK HERE
I have a different concept than you regarding to restaurants that have nolines outside.. For me, if there is no one waiting, the food cannot be that good!! I don't mind waiting..if the food is good, it's worth it. I rather spent time waiting than walk right in and sit down and have bad food.. (That's only my personal preference and choices...there is no proven fact on that theory!)
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/08/2009 21:40:00]冇人幫趁就一定差,但排晒隊嘅就唔一定好,香港電視台報章雜誌日日都有食肆推介,出過鏡、上過報、名人幫趁過嘅;就會排隊架嘞。
另外, New Town Plaza 係一個特別墟冚嘅地方,逢星期日人山人海,入停車場要排隊,餐廳食飯要排隊,買嘢比錢要排隊。就算 SARS 期間, New Town Plaza 都係咁旺。
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/08/2009 21:41:00](Empty)
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/08/2009 21:43:00]呢個簡單,可以自己整嘛。