You know what they say about 'Full Moon"...right?? The wolf men are all out!!! Just kidding!!! [版主回覆01/21/2009 00:17:00]唔駛等 Full Moon 都好多 wolfmen 架啦,仲係彩色嗰隻嘛!
Isis: I should say - your home has such a wonderful view. I really love your place since you can see the river!! It's time for you to write a poem about the moon now. [版主回覆01/21/2009 01:03:00]床前明月光 疑是地上霜 舉頭望明月 低頭思故鄉
上星期有日黃昏由晌龍翔道入屯門,嘩....個落緊山既太陽又大又靚,從未見過 ~
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/21/2009 00:15:00]上個星期四 15 號喺海港城,見到個好大好紅嘅鹹蛋黃,即刻走出去影啦,到我影到時,個鹹蛋黃已經比對面海啲大廈遮咗一半。
i also took jor pic, seem bigger ar~
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/21/2009 00:16:00]你幾時放上 blog 呀?
You know what they say about 'Full Moon"...right?? The wolf men are all out!!!
回覆刪除Just kidding!!!
[版主回覆01/21/2009 00:17:00]唔駛等 Full Moon 都好多 wolfmen 架啦,仲係彩色嗰隻嘛!
Isis: I should say - your home has such a wonderful view. I really love your place since you can see the river!! It's time for you to write a poem about the moon now.
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/21/2009 01:03:00]床前明月光
我係 咪好有文采呢?
你"捕"咗成晚呀 ???
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/22/2009 00:58:00](Empty)
You are lucky to have such a great view from your window, Isis. I love the night picture on the left.