Anyway, there's a place in Wan Chai, across from the Southorn Playground I like. What do you think of their wonton noodles? [版主回覆12/20/2007 23:49:00]灣仔哪條街,甚麼名號? Teacher ,我沒有吃過呀! Teacher 有好介紹,我要去試試。
I think, but am not sure, I know what you mean by 公廁味. Is it possible that smell comes from the flour of the noodles? [版主回覆12/20/2007 23:46:00]Teacher ,我說的公廁味就是鹼水味。 今時今日,手打麵已幾乎絕跡,麵及雲吞皮都是用機器大量生產,加入鹼水,一是用來防腐,二是令麵身彈牙爽口。本來,麵是否彈牙爽口是取決於 優質的 麵粉與雞蛋的調配,當然也有賴 做麵師傅 的 技術 。現今的 麵廠 為了方便大量生產及降低成本,鹼水就變成必須的材料。 雲吞麵舖煮出來的是甚麼質素的雲吞麵, 是看 成本的,鹼水 麵 必須煮滾後再用冷水沖乾淨,這個 「除 鹼水」的程序也是成本。還有,那些已經腐爛發臭的死蝦只要用鹼水處理過也會變得爽口彈牙。 看見很多人只關注麵身 是否 爽口、 蝦是否彈牙,我就很沮喪,難道他們不奇怪蝦 「 彈牙」得完全沒有蝦味, 麵「 爽 口 」得 像橡 筋嗎!
The 鹼水 gives my wife an upset stomach. Sorry I don't remember the name of the special wonton noodle shop in Wan Chai. I think it's Wah something or something Wah. It's on Henessy Rd, between Luard Rd and O'Brien Rd (closer to Luard), across from the playground. It has a sign at the front door saying that it's the one and only and there's no branches anywhere. It must have quite a reputation as they don't want anyone to claim affiliation with them. [版主回覆12/22/2007 00:37:00]Teacher ,以後聞到鹼水味就不要吃了,受不了鹼水會胃漲,聽說飲醋可以中和鹼水。 根據你的資料,上網搜尋到〈永華麵家〉,對嗎? 我正準備下一篇...又來雲吞麵。
Anyway, there's a place in Wan Chai, across from the Southorn Playground I like. What do you think of their wonton noodles?
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/20/2007 23:49:00]灣仔哪條街,甚麼名號? Teacher ,我沒有吃過呀! Teacher 有好介紹,我要去試試。
I think, but am not sure, I know what you mean by 公廁味. Is it possible that smell comes from the flour of the noodles?
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/20/2007 23:46:00]Teacher ,我說的公廁味就是鹼水味。
今時今日,手打麵已幾乎絕跡,麵及雲吞皮都是用機器大量生產,加入鹼水,一是用來防腐,二是令麵身彈牙爽口。本來,麵是否彈牙爽口是取決於 優質的 麵粉與雞蛋的調配,當然也有賴 做麵師傅 的 技術 。現今的 麵廠 為了方便大量生產及降低成本,鹼水就變成必須的材料。
雲吞麵舖煮出來的是甚麼質素的雲吞麵, 是看 成本的,鹼水 麵 必須煮滾後再用冷水沖乾淨,這個 「除 鹼水」的程序也是成本。還有,那些已經腐爛發臭的死蝦只要用鹼水處理過也會變得爽口彈牙。 看見很多人只關注麵身 是否 爽口、 蝦是否彈牙,我就很沮喪,難道他們不奇怪蝦 「 彈牙」得完全沒有蝦味, 麵「 爽 口 」得 像橡 筋嗎!
The 鹼水 gives my wife an upset stomach.
回覆刪除Sorry I don't remember the name of the special wonton noodle shop in Wan Chai. I think it's Wah something or something Wah. It's on Henessy Rd, between Luard Rd and O'Brien Rd (closer to Luard), across from the playground. It has a sign at the front door saying that it's the one and only and there's no branches anywhere. It must have quite a reputation as they don't want anyone to claim affiliation with them.
[版主回覆12/22/2007 00:37:00]Teacher ,以後聞到鹼水味就不要吃了,受不了鹼水會胃漲,聽說飲醋可以中和鹼水。
I look forward to reading your report