2007年12月15日 星期六


海港城  (28-11-2007)

Oh! You better watch out

You better not cry, You better not pout

I'm telling you why

Santa Claus is coming to town!

. . . . . .




3 則留言:

  1. Merry Christmas to you, Isis! You got a new cover picture! I like it. All the very best to you!
    [版主回覆12/16/2007 20:45:00]Winnie, Merry Christmas!
    新 blog 頭相真要謝謝 Mrs Teacher ,是她去美國旅遊時拍的,還借我用呢。

  2. Dear Isis:
    Merry Christmas!
    Very nice pictures!  Luring enough for me to decide dropping in with Mrs this very evening!  Thank you!
    [版主回覆12/16/2007 20:46:00]白爺,那你今晚多拍些燈飾夜景給我們看啊。聖誕快樂!

  3. The Christmas decorators of Ocean termibnal are probaly the same one who did the one in Shatin Newtown Plaza. They color motif on both sites are white and purple! Hmm.......either that or several decorators decided to choose similar color motifs for this Christmas.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family, Isis......and have a Blessed New Year too!
    [版主回覆12/16/2007 20:53:00]Mrs Teacher ,說不定真的是同一個人做的。聽說,維港兩岸的聖誕燈飾也是同一個人包起來做的。 Mrs Teacher, Merry Christmas to you and Teacher 。今天是 16 號,覺得已經是聖誕節了。
