2007年11月16日 星期五


赤柱露台餐廳 (11-11-2007)


轉移陣地到赤柱,已是下午茶時段,走進赤柱露台餐廳,兩個人先後叫了三個Tea Set。大概這裏的食物水準很是一般,所以星期天的下午,也只不過三五檯客,最奇怪的是,侍應每次都要拿那着食物走勻全場,喊人認領。

3 則留言:

  1. Your photos remind me my memory in Stanley. I had a very nice talk with someone at Starbucks in Stanley.My first cup of coffee in Hong Kong in a nice and warm afternoon. But, the parking in Shek O was really bad also. We drove to Stanley finally.
    Isis: How can you come up with many nice places in your mind? That is amazing!
    [版主回覆04/28/2008 22:18:00]咁遠去到 Stanley 都仲要 Starbucks ,果然喺金山返嚟嘅鬼妹喎。

  2. Isis: 看來你要block咗你個blog唔比Christine睇先得嘞,你就快引死佢架嘞,哈哈 !!!
    2個人叫3個SET??? 好嘢wor!!!! 咁刷得,又咁鬼fit!!!!
    [版主回覆04/28/2008 22:16:00]點解要 block 咗我個 blog 啫?
    你睇吓最後個 tiramisu ,細過磚豆腐呀,兩啖就食咗喇。

  3. No ar... No ar.. don't blog anything or anyone ar...
    Many of Isis pictures remind my nice memories. I won't able to take a shot by that time, but I see many scenery that I missed so much. Especially "Pak Lai", it is a memorial place to me.
    Heehee.. someone brought me to go Starbucks. That was the second day once I came back from LA. Therefore, he might think that I want something American. But, I do want coffee by that time. I addict coffee almost every day.
    Nicole, I would do my best on diet lor....
