That is a great looking Harley!! The guy spent a lot of time and money decorating that bike!! So nice to walk around the village area, get some fresh air, eat some good food! I like that type of dinning, out in the open, with a lot of sunshine, blue sky, what a life!! [版主回覆02/09/2010 13:00:00]車主話佢架電單車試過比交通警察截停……欣賞,叫佢小心啲,唔好比嗰啲劍整親自己整親人哋。
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/08/2010 16:04:00]抽水揩油=非禮
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/08/2010 16:05:00]係呀,個車手雙手唔夠長,我哋都覺得佢揸得好辛苦咁。
嘩! 幾有風味bor! 山路易行嗎?
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/08/2010 16:08:00]頭段要上落石級,之後就成條都係平路,我呢挺老人家都行到,你唔會有問題嘅。
So people 非禮 a motorcycle?
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/08/2010 16:22:00]係呀,個個行埋去摸摸摸呀,難得車主唔介意咁多人搞佢架車。
吓! 做咩個個爭住認老架! 我點都唔會認老, 我一定行到架!
回覆刪除其實打算同家人去行下, 所以問你算唔算難行lor!
[版主回覆02/08/2010 23:15:00]咁事實我係有番咁上下嘛。
That is a great looking Harley!! The guy spent a lot of time and money decorating that bike!!
回覆刪除So nice to walk around the village area, get some fresh air, eat some good food! I like that type of dinning, out in the open, with a lot of sunshine, blue sky, what a life!!
[版主回覆02/09/2010 13:00:00]車主話佢架電單車試過比交通警察截停……欣賞,叫佢小心啲,唔好比嗰啲劍整親自己整親人哋。
Those 電單車黨 makes me think of IQ博士. Must be very noisy.
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/09/2010 13:01:00]我估佢哋假期先出巡,我就當睇車展。
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/09/2010 23:20:00]冇喎,仲幾鳥語花香添。
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/13/2010 19:45:00]我喺街度見過謝賢健步如飛,但就冇見過佢揸電單車。