Well done, my friend! Now we know there's one more thing we can ask you for advice, besides finding where to find great eating places!
That's one very pretty/classy door lock you have there, Isis! Before I met David, I used to be the man of the house, had to do such tasks myself at home. Now, I've become "lazy".
Nine Nine, same here. Before I met my husband, I am the handyman of the house. Changing light bulb...etc. Now can 偷懶 and I don't even know how to record the tv programme ! [版主回覆06/23/2011 12:50:00]係咯,你哋兩個好曬啊!
Do-it-yourself is always good....simple tasks is important because you don't need to wait, and spend the $$!
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/16/2011 16:36:00]有啲工夫做過先知道原來咁簡單。
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想再有成就感嗎???? 過來幫我也換一把吧 !!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/16/2011 16:37:00]駛唔駛每個月換一把?
已幫你打通天地線搵換鎖工 !!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/19/2011 12:44:00]記住啊,時薪 $28 ,分薪 5 毫子,比 1 毫子你做介紹費又點話啫。
咁我有需要時都搵下你, 等你有 d 滿足感, 唔駛請我飲茶架喇
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/19/2011 12:44:00]咁益我啊。
有時D嘢係好簡單,如果自己識換真係慳番好多架 !
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/19/2011 12:45:00]有時浪費咗金錢時間,係唔知自己會識整囉。
你屋企個鎖同我我屋企個鎖好似.. 相似度90%! o個10% 係因為你個鎖新淨好多!
回覆刪除我地上次換鎖膽, 裝修師傳搞唔掂! 跟住去樓下搵換鎖佬上來. 佢原本話好易, 點知都用咗個幾兩個鐘!!!!!!!
[版主回覆06/19/2011 12:45:00]我係影低張相去配鎖膽,老闆話喱隻鎖係最易換,識揸鏍絲批嘅都一定換到喎,我都覺得係,我小心翼翼誠惶誠恐先要用一兩分鐘,職業嘅應該半分鐘得啦。
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/19/2011 12:45:00]其實真係好易,六歲小童都做到。
Well done, my friend! Now we know there's one more thing we can ask you for advice, besides finding where to find great eating places!
回覆刪除That's one very pretty/classy door lock you have there, Isis! Before I met David, I used to be the man of the house, had to do such tasks myself at home. Now, I've become "lazy".
[版主回覆06/19/2011 12:45:00]恭喜你有得懶!
Nine Nine, same here. Before I met my husband, I am the handyman of the house. Changing light bulb...etc. Now can 偷懶 and I don't even know how to record the tv programme !
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/23/2011 12:50:00]係咯,你哋兩個好曬啊!
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/27/2011 21:10:00]我唔識嘅嘢多過識呀。
Isis好厲害呀 !換了是我,拆完一定上唔返 (還是別試好了... )
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/04/2011 00:55:00]據賣鎖嘅老闆講,喱種鎖係最易換。