東宮 @ 尖沙咀 (30-09-08)









(這次是Angle Hair。)


回覆刪除[版主回覆10/13/2008 12:37:00]甘蛇,不如你試先 喇, 你都係時候要 update 吓你個 飲飽食醉篇 咯。
聽說東宮的食物不錯的,不過我未去過,你又覺得食物如何呢 ?
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/13/2008 12:31:00]好得 吓架,菜式比較傳統,幾啱我呢挺老人家口味。
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/13/2008 23:25:00]睇咗 嘞, 咁西宮留番我去囉。
wawa, 正呀~~!!!!
回覆刪除鎮江骨 is 排骨,yes? 好似雞翼喎!
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/14/2008 13:21:00]冇錯,係排骨。
Teacher ,我第一次見到你寫咁多中文字,仲係廣東話式嘅中文添,犀利! 等緊你寫中文 blog 架!
碗麵似乎粗過 angel hair 好多播 !
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/14/2008 13:23:00]係?但已經幼過芽菜囉喎,我揸住屋企個包 angle hair 對照過,都唔係好肯定添?
寫中文 blog?
[版主回覆10/14/2008 14:11:00]唔會攞你 命 嘅,最多老花 啫。
嘩 ,Teacher, 勁wor !!!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/14/2008 16:13:00]犀利呢! Teacher 話 佢 識個「攞」字架,咪信 佢得 P5 程度呀。
喂! 點解個 " 攞 " 字唔喺你比我個軟件裏便㗎 ? 唔制呀!
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/14/2008 16:09:00]點解有個 㗎 ???
我冇用過 online Cantonese input ,我唔打識廣東話拼音架 ,我用 Word 裏面嘅普通話拼音打中文架,打 luo 就會出「攞」呢個字。
Nicole: 我識個" 攞" 字㗎,,喺比 個軟件搵笨㗎 咋!
回覆刪除The Teacher: You are wonderful!!! I totally agree with Isis and Nicole that you write up a lot of Chinese this time. We should set up some reward for The Teacher when he writing more in Chinese. And you do surprise me that you know the word "luo". Starting from now on, I don't trust Mr Teacher has P5 level in Chinese. No way....
回覆刪除How are you guys doing? I am waiting to see the gathering photos?? Miss you all!
[版主回覆10/15/2008 19:08:00]gathering photos? 唔知 Nicole 快定 Teacher 快呢,不過有人唔比影像呀!
To 樓下位Christine: 經我哋反覆驗証,Teacher的中文水平絕對唔係佢講嘅P.5, 係最少都F.5 , 唔...應該咁講,佢其實只係唔識部分中文咋!
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/15/2008 19:26:00]Teacher 連「痞」字都識呀,呢個字寫出黎我就認得,唔睇我都唔識寫添呀!
係呢? Teacher 中文留言有 4 個字我睇唔到,只睇到 4 個方格,唔知 係 yahoo 出 唔到抑或 係我個電腦問題,咁你有冇睇到 4 個方格呢?
Nicole: 多謝過獎 , F5 就一定晤敢當 我喺 HK 痞到中三至散水, 所以我國文唔會高過中三程度 㗎
回覆刪除However, for the sake of truth in disclosure, I shall check out some 小學國文書 next time I'm in a bookstore to re-assess my level and report back.
[版主回覆10/15/2008 19:28:00]Teacher ,唔好嘥錢買小學國文書啦,買中學國文書啦,仲應該係 F5 個本喎。
Truth be known, I cheated on 「痞」. I typed in "mau" and out came a bunch of words. I know all but two of them, none with the correct pitch. The other two I didn't know. I saw a Chinese friend of mine on Yahoo IM, so I showed him the words and asked him which one had the right pitch. He told me.
回覆刪除I think I know which word is showing 4 squares: 㗎 yes? I know because you used a slightly different word in your writings. The character has a mouth (口)on the left side and a frame (架) on the right side. I think for the Cantonese exclamation, the one with the (口) is more suitable. Agree?
[版主回覆10/16/2008 01:28:00]係噃,我都打唔到「口架」呢個字喎,不過我搵到「 咖 」呢個字,差唔多啫。
I uploaded the dinner photos to my album. I just haven't written the blog yet. Christine can see the photos right now.
回覆刪除I need to tell the truth, I don't know this word - 痞. What is it? Isis said the word pronoun as "mau" = stay. Oh no......
回覆刪除The Teacher: I took a look the pictures already. Thank you so much. I am able to see you guys. Everyone looks very good. I pretend that I am able to see xxxx and txxxmxxxxx. (I hope that I am correct on their names) I recognize Pretty Mom.
Hi friend, who doesn't let you take the pictures? Is that is from our group member, it is okay la... If those staff don't let you to take the pictures, I would ask Nicole to settle it down for you. Hahaha.... Who doesn't know Nicole, right?
It seems that you guys had dinner at Tsim Sha Tsui. Thanks for the sharing pictures.
[版主回覆10/16/2008 16:44:00] Isis said the word pronoun as "mau" = stay. 咪就係金牛苑 d 人唔比影相囉, Please ask Nicole to 買起佢。。。成間金牛苑 ,哼,唔比影丫喇!
Christine: the other mystery woman is Chestnut Girl. Yes, it's the Golden Bull at the Ocean Terminal.
回覆刪除Teacher: 雖然"痞"有另一個讀音都可以讀為"mau", 不過通常會先讀為"pei"(皮).
回覆刪除而呢個" 踎 "字先係verb(見此字為"足"字部), 例如在電影成日見到d警察 話:" 全部同我踎低".....,書面語係"蹲下” .
不過你真係好叻叻嘞,抵讚 !
[版主回覆10/16/2008 16:51:00]
點解我本朗文字典查 唔到「 踎 」呢個字 嘅? ……要換過本。
我要澄清Christine所說的 :
回覆刪除”I would ask Nicole to settle it down for you. Hahaha.... Who doesn't know Nicole, right?”
佢嘅意思係話我夠惡 ,鍾意強出頭 ,邊個同我過唔去就同佢死過咁解,唔好誤會呀 !
[版主回覆10/16/2008 17:54:00]冇 誤會呀!咪係你夠惡先可以買起成間金牛苑同佢死過 囉 !
中大呢條 link有關粵語讀音都睇得吓的 !
[版主回覆10/16/2008 17:56:00]Nicole ,依然 搵唔到「踎」呢個字,只有「痞」。
係wor, CU個條link冇, 點解呢? 在下面google漢典條link就有.
[版主回覆10/17/2008 00:23:00]Thank you Nicole. 搵到嘞。