The word has seven letters ...
Preceded God ...
Greater than God ...
More evil than the devil ...
All poor people have it ...
Wealthy people need it ...
If you eat it, you will die ...
The answer is NOTHING!
NOTHING has 7 letters.
NOTHING preceded God.
NOTHING is greater than God.
NOTHING is more evil than the devil.
All poor people have NOTHING.
Wealthy people need NOTHING.
If you eat NOTHING, you will die.
好明顯我都是 屬於教育程度高的一羣
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/08/2008 15:00:00]咁即 喺點先?放棄 咁話囉 喎, ,停一停, 諗兩諗啦!
......我一個都唔識答添 !!!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/08/2008 15:03:00]一個答案架 咋。
More hints ???
回覆刪除You are giving us a headache, Isis!
回覆刪除諗 諗 諗... 諗 諗 諗...
回覆刪除1. IQ 林高手 ─ 周百通
2. 阿 Wing 的同事 ─ 請問怎稱呼?
嘩!!!!!勁 !!!咁請問幾時開估呢 ?平時要諗煮咩餸已經用咗好多腦汁o架嘞,唔好咁殘忍啦!
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/09/2008 22:33:00]唔……呀……咁啦,有新 blog 上畫時啦!
oh, 果然我係教育程度高既人......
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/10/2008 17:28:00]嘩!好耐 冇見 嘞!
其實呢,當你知道答案,你就覺得好淺架 喇!
This one reminds me of a button Americans wear in December showing an L and a red slash across it.
回覆刪除Yes, I read that guy, just his most famous novel, over 35 years ago before I forgot most of my Chinese. I bought another set of it a few years ago and read it again, and only understood about half. But I still remember the basic plot, so it was ok.
[版主回覆09/10/2008 18:17:00]L 是指大碼?加條斜線= no 大碼? 還是不明白啊!這是 IQ 題嗎? 老頑童,請解釋!
So I am well educated... When will you let us know the answer?
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/10/2008 18:20:00]等出第二條 IQ 題先啦!
Wei when will be the next one then hhehhehee
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/11/2008 18:30:00]呀…………大約下星期吧!
David is right, I think too much. After giving me some nudging questions, he finally got the answer out of me!
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/12/2008 17:11:00]所以 David is 老頑童囉! 老頑童可以左手打右手,但聰明絕頂的黃蓉因為思想複雜反而學不到此等功夫。嘻嘻,你知道我在說甚麼嗎?你有看過射鵰嗎?
Was L the initial of something? That's what I asked myself. Then the lady wearing the button said,"don't think too much, just tell me what it says", so I said No L, then I had to laugh out loud. No L, if you say it with the proper linking sound, is NoWell, or noel, from the French noël, which means Christmas. There's also a popular Christmas carol by that name.
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/12/2008 16:57:00]我一直在想,L= learner driver ?L= large size ?原來L+\= Noel !!!
恐怕真的要 think too much 才想到答案啦!
Nope, I didn't read the 射鵰. But David bought the set of books and the whole set of VCDs of the 1980's TVB series. He finished reading the books and also finished watching the VCDs. I just didn't have the time to do it. It is one of his favorite stories since he was a kid.
回覆刪除It is true that sometimes, the answer is very simple and it is already infront of me, but I just couldn't see, because I was thinking ltoo much with too many complex thoughts like an adult/professional. I was only able to come up with the right answer when David guided me with simple questions and asked me to think like a kid.
i don;t know the ans ar...................
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/13/2008 17:44:00]再 諗諗啦!
[版主回覆09/14/2008 22:32:00]唔駛 諗 嘞!
..... 幾時 有新 blog 上畫 答案
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/14/2008 22:32:00]有啦!
共有 5 人答中: 1. Saminian ~ 傻 Wing 2. The Teacher 3. Pretty Mum 4. 幸福小妹 Nicole 5. Christine 其中有兩人承認出貓,那就準備接受懲罰吧 ─ 我將會出一條更 低 難度的 IQ 題!
回覆刪除哈哈哈 ~~~~
回覆刪除我又出貓搵到答案啦 !
Well, I don't know if you consider my answer 出貓 or not. I heard it before. When I did it the first time, I uttered the answer without thinking, or knowing. When the guy said that's right, I had a good laugh. Oh, but I did that without the hint of kindergarten kids doing better than adults on it.
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/16/2008 23:40:00]你自己 諗出來,當然不是出貓啦。
坦白承認出貓o個d應該要從輕發落wor !!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/16/2008 23:38:00]你 唔中意更 低 難度 嘅 IQ 題, 咁 更 高 難度囉!準備啦!