Pasta de Waraku @ 荃灣 (09-06-08)


巨型的餐牌,圖片大大張;字體大大隻,不識字也可以看圖點菜,非常user friendly。意粉配搭多樣化,各適其式,意粉及pizza均可選擇大或小,甚有彈性。




鮮橙汁 $18
黑醋粟葡萄柚雞尾酒 $38

鴛鴦炸豆腐 $20

蛤蜊奶油麵 $78

扇貝鮮蝦pizza $58


Tiramusu Parfait $44

回覆刪除$78 咁 大 碟.......好嘢 !!!!! 咁都比得出嚟 !!!!!!
[版主回覆06/17/2008 15:56:00](Empty)
妳的comment似乎麻麻, 等我之前仲向妳推介添.
回覆刪除坦白說, 現在無discount優惠, 佢d價錢真係唔平的. 妳個碟意粉我之前去$39咋, 所以我覺得ok o架. 而家全部正價, 我都少在去lu.
[版主回覆06/17/2008 16:05:00]嘢食嚟 講,都 ok 架,份量少少地好 啱我 喎,可以叫多幾樣嘛,只不過 係 size 同價錢不相稱 咋。
回覆刪除不過睇嚟都係油麻地咋wor! 又唔係咁抵食 !唔該晒你呀去探路呀,試食兵團 !
[版主回覆06/17/2008 16:11:00]你帶 Emily 去啦,我估佢會鍾意食呢度嘅 pizza ,好薄好脆架,不過就唔好叫奶油意粉嘞,叫蕃茄意粉啦,仲有雪糕呢!
這麼說來, 評價不是太好的呢.
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/17/2008 23:14:00]唔喺平靚正,但都 算 ok ,或者會再去架。
Isis: When I see the first picture, it looks very attractive to me. You know la... I almost need to order the flight ticket and go to dine out with you ma...
回覆刪除I like pasta, cheese and seafood. Based on the picture, I do agree that the size of the meal and the pizza are not very attractive at this time. But, the environment looks like a nice place.
It is quite expensive to dine out in HK when I comparing with LA. If I dine out for two, I usually pay around US$20 (around HK$150) per dinner. Tax is already included. I still have left over for the next day lunch. Anyway, different places and cultures.
[版主回覆06/18/2008 17:08:00]我十年前去美加打個白鴿轉返 嚟,就開始 唔明白移民去 美加 d 人,點解連個燈膽仔都要 pack 過去,據 佢 哋話 美加 d 嘢好貴。但 喺我發覺香港 d 嘢仲貴,而且 美加 嗰邊 如果大減價就真 喺 大減價,真 喺會 有 一兩 折 嘅嘢賣, 唔似得香港,提高價錢再寫九 折就話大減價。
不過 $78 一碟麵連加一都好貴下.
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/18/2008 16:51:00]甘蛇:你覺得 $78 一碟麵好貴, 喺 因為只得幾條麵? 喺 因為 6 樣 嘢裏面最高價?
宜家你再仔細 睇多次(或者睇多幾次),下面 6 樣邊樣最貴(唔喺指數字)?
鮮橙汁 $18 黑醋粟葡萄柚雞尾酒 $38 鴛鴦炸豆腐 $20 蛤蜊奶油麵 $78 扇貝鮮蝦 pizza $58 Tiramusu Parfait $44
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/19/2008 22:35:00]如果意粉加多三倍,仍然 $78 , 咁仲 貴唔貴呢? 意粉多三倍,成本可能多兩蚊 啫 ,但就會變得抵食得多?我只不過想講, 貴唔貴要視乎成本,嗰細細杯 嘅 雞尾酒要 $38 ,但成本可能 唔駛兩三蚊,所以我會覺得 雞尾酒貴過蛤蜊奶油麵 囉 。
Isis: 呢D係Christine必pack嘅香港物品,唔該你下次嚟打個白鴿轉,放低幾両時帶俾我 。1. Loreal/Neutrogena水份masks 2.豬肉乾 3.dry scallop
回覆刪除4.日本花菇 5. 玫瑰花茶 6.六安、壽眉 7. 錢吖唔該。哈哈.... 我贊成你講,香港有D嘢賣得仲貴。但係戀家情意結作崇,總有一點原因。美國大減價是真正的大減價,如有什麼需要,請講!手續加運費...呵呵呵......
Kim Mak Kee: 你令Isis想到寫作題材,我多謝你。甘同學: 邊種價錢最低呢?Heehee
[版主回覆06/19/2008 22:53:00]Neutrogena 美國貨嚟架噃,都要香港買?
我嗰次一個喼去兩個喼番,買咗 d 廚房嘢,你哋嗰邊 d 廚具店大過我哋 d 超級市場,行得好開心架,已經好忍手架嘞,屋企廚房細嘛。
Isis: The worse is - American ladies don't care about moisturising mask. LA is very dry dessert weather area. And my skin tone is oily but dry in certain area. So, I like to use those one piece face mask to cover my face for 15 minutes. But, it is not the trend in here to use one piece mask. Even though Netrogena has it, it sells expensive than HK. I know, it is the product made in the U.S.
回覆刪除Woo... you like to shop in the kitchen store in here? Haha.. I found my sisterhood then. I like to walk kitchen store. My dream is to have a set of cooking tools. But, I like to collect it piece by piece. After I settle down in HK, I may able to do it. I love cooking.
Hehe... US immigration is not that bad. They just tried to make you feeling not so welcome at the custom and border. But, when you travel around, you should able to tell that they are quite nice and talkative. That's why I learn the immigration regulations so that I can deal with them. Main point - Never fear in front of them. Be confident. Each place has its good or bad. Hey... try to come the U.S. again excuse.
其實香港食嘢真係好多元化,不論在食物同價錢上面都有好多好選擇,完全係豐儉由人,I love Hong Kong!!!
回覆刪除我去花旗國的時候,最鍾意都係掃超市的家庭用品,同你一樣,一個去,兩個返(個喼咋 ),好鍾意佢哋有好多開party的紙杯,紙碟,裝飾....for 細路仔開生日會 真係正!!!
哈... 哈... 您有您既 point. 不過麵也只想飽肚, $78 就未免... cocktail 反而可有可冇.
回覆刪除Isis: Forget to tell you, Isis. Please feel free to let me know if you want something from LA. A friend of mind already asked me to bring the dry nuts from LA. I bring this up to you so that you can tell me freely if you want anything. Cooking ware product, food, or other stuffs are fine. As you may notice, I will not visit LA in the next two years.
回覆刪除It's a Saturday night in HK now. Have a good weekend then. Take care.
[版主回覆06/22/2008 15:11:00]Christine ,非常感動,真的我要乜都可以帶過嚟呀,我鍾意嘅 c ooking ware 太多啦,但間屋又鬼咁細喎 ,我要間大屋呀。
無論如何,非常感激 Christine 你啊 ,無以為報,唯有等你番嚟請你食芒果糯米卷。